I’m not sure how Drew Smith did it again this year, but hawt dawg it was a beaut!! Scrambled for a genny mere hours before kickoff time, our brains somehow pieced together the missing fragments to make some kind of shitshow happen. All hands on deck, and most vehicles on the good side of the creek, we braved hangovers, cops, moron deficiency disorder and a small creek that global warming decided to route right down the center of the gig. No matter!! The circus clowns made it work. And as the sun slowly set over the imposing comfort […]
Category Archives: Photographs
Carnage!! Mayhem!! Bodies dropping like flies and layers of skin peeling off like cheese through the grater! Despite slower than usual conditions, we managed to somehow show complete disregard for our fragile carcasses and took every chance we had to completely fuck ourselves over. Cluster fucks, virgin runs, australian citizenship; whatever reason you wish to use to justify this madness, it happened and was morbidly entertaining to those who managed to keep their blood on the inside of their bodies. Certainly one of the funnest and wildest jams to date, with a solid crew of alumni and rookies, babes and […]
Into the Pink, The Renegade Kid, Highkicks, Scorched Banditos, Falcon, The HockeyFight, Napalmpom, DJ Onepiece, Rate Bate, Surrounded by Assholes, Nikki Valentine and the Gypsy Riders, Chieftain, Riverjacks, 4th Street Rats, 10 Minute Detour,The Circus, Clitboner, Bunkbeds. Holy shit what a roster! All star alumni of the Canyon Sessions! Voted party of the year by FFWD magazine 2012, and hated by party poopers and conservation officers far and wide. This year was not shitty. Big thanks to the bands who could make it out, and for everyone for cleaning up and not overdosing or breaking any ankles.
My FIRST media pass ever!!!! Holy smokes how did this even happen you ask?!? Well first off there were no illegal goins-on, or threats or back alley bribes needed in order for me to finally be given the illusive and illustrious media pass. Also, it was not from any sort of media representation that I have (absolutely none), or the fact that Perry Farrell and I used to jam together (we didnt). My friend Keri Coles- http://kericoles.com/ , runs the media for the festival, and was kind enough ( or had pity on me) and gave me the pass. Although […]
I got to go on a road trip. then a plane trip. and a trip trip in there too… the road trip started it all. me and my pal benny boy took off at midnight and drove out to van island. it seemed like it only took 3 hours to get there?!? we got a few days surf in, saw some great friends and spent one night drinking really great whiskey and setting napkins on fire in fine drinking establishments. the island was amazing time for certain. theres a good little blog by tristan at this one: http://tristanshouldice.com/blog/2011/12/were-from-ab-were-on-vacation/ word. i […]